Analyzing Rome Public Space Shaping
Yale Gradute Studio
INSTRUCTORS Stephen Harby, Alexander Purves
TOPIC analyzing the public space making techniques of Raguzzini and Valadier
SITES Santa Maria della Pace, Piazza di St. Ignacio, Piazza del Popolo
Forming the urban space as a three dimensional scene in relation to its place in the city and the buildings they look to aggrandize, I traced the connections between the reinventions of Santa Maria della Pace (1667), Piazza di St. Ignacio (1727) and Piazza del Popolo (1793). Even though they start with very different needs, all three use transforming ideas of framing and layering to create dynamic urban spaces. I analyzed these strategies of framing and layering in each and project, through approach, urban experience, and strategies of revealing. These projects show the progression of these ideas about urban experience through the Baroque, Roccoco, and Neoclassical periods, how each translated planes to theatricality.
This was a two week independent drawing project generated on site as part of a four week Rome drawing studio exploring continuity and change in the cities major architectural sites, topography, and systems of urban organization.